
Position Description: The President-Elect shall act in the absence of the President, and shall perform such other duties as the NHATA Officers may prescribe.

Candidate(s) and Voting

Two candidates are running for the NATA President-Elect and are listed in alphabetical order.  Voting opens on Sunday November 15 and closes at 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday November 29. Only NHATA members are eligible to vote; an online ballot, with a distinct URL, will be emailed out to all NHATA members.  Please check your SPAM or clutter folders if your ballot is not in your inbox.

Contact NHATA Support if you have any questions regarding the online voting process.  For questions regarding your eligibility to take part in the voting for President-Elect, please contact our Secretary Ali Bowers at

Len Angelli MS, N.H.LAT, ATC

Athletic Trainer Cardigan Mountain School

Link to Len’s candidate page

Derek Lauteri MS, N.H.LAT, ATC

Athletic Trainer/Assistant Athletic Director Derryfield School

Link to Derek’s candidate page